Database for green shared spaces in urban areas

This Database is an innovative package of existing examples, references, effective practices, and tools, on how to transform shared spaces in urban areas, into green environmentally friendly areas.

The information contained in the Database is for the use of adult educators, educational centres, and the educational community, who are giving emphasis on environmental issues and on issues related to the development of sustainable and more inclusive societies.

You can navigate to the Database by selecting one of the following sections:

  • Legislation
  • Protection
  • Accessibility
  • Transformation
  • Environmental Education
  • Added Value

or you can find the information you need by choosing one of the countries.

The Database is to be considered as a snapshot of the current state of affairs, and it will be updated regularly. If you want to contribute to the following data, please feel free to contact us!

  • All
  • 01. Legislation
  • 02. Protection
  • 03. Accessibility
  • 04. Transformation
  • 05. Environmental education
  • 06. Added Value
  • Cyprus
  • Greece
  • Italy
  • Lithuania
  • Portugal
  • Spain
  • All
  • 01. Legislation
  • 02. Protection
  • 03. Accessibility
  • 04. Transformation
  • 05. Environmental education
  • 06. Added Value
  • Cyprus
  • Greece
  • Italy
  • Lithuania
  • Portugal
  • Spain
01. LegislationPortugal
Parameters for dimensioning of areas destined for green spaces and for collective use
05. Environmental educationSpain
Environmental volunteering project
05. Environmental educationLithuania
An app to explore historical objects in Lithuania
05. Environmental educationPortugal
“SDGs in Action” app developed to present the Sustainable Development Goals
04. TransformationSpain
Bordablanca. Cultivando La Inserción
05. Environmental educationPortugal
App to maintain herb gardens and small gardens
04. TransformationPortugal
Initiative to safeguard the preservation and enjoyment of public green spaces
03. AccessibilitySpain
Equality rights and equal treatment of persons with disabilities
04. TransformationItaly
06. Added ValueItaly
Primavera 83
04. TransformationPortugal
Association dedicated to improve the business sector quality and productivity
05. Environmental educationGreece
QualityΝet Foundation (QNF): “In action for a better world”
05. Environmental educationPortugal
Association dedicated to the environmental education in formal and non-formal training
02. ProtectionGreece
Protection of the environment
03. AccessibilityCyprus
Regulation 6.1H Law for Roads & Buildings for people with disabilities
06. Added ValuePortugal
Project to promote a healthy diet and education about the environment and the waste issues
03. AccessibilitySpain
Accessibility for people with disabilities in public spaces
04. TransformationGreece
Hellenic Society for the Protection of Nature
06. Added ValueSpain
Bancales – Project on creating a garden space with an organic vegetable garden
06. Added ValuePortugal
This project tried creating community gardens in an urban context
05. Environmental educationPortugal
App which provides “green” tips about environmental issues
05. Environmental educationLithuania
The project that reveals the wonderful beauty of Lithuanian nature
06. Added ValueCyprus
Gardens of the future
01. LegislationCyprus
The Act of Nature Protection and Management and the Wildlife Act 2003.
02. ProtectionPortugal
National Network of Protected Areas
02. ProtectionSpain
Waste and contaminated land management
01. LegislationPortugal
Municipal regulation related to green spaces
04. TransformationLithuania
Takais per Lietuva – National park accessibility, paying attention to those with disabilities
01. LegislationItaly
Guidance on shared green areas and parks (2017)
04. TransformationGreece
03. AccessibilityLithuania
The adaptation of general use objects of a building to the needs of the disabled
03. AccessibilityPortugal
Legal regime for nature conservation and biodiversity
05. Environmental educationGreece
WWF “Green Spaces App”
06. Added ValueGreece
The Metropolitan Park of Hellinikon
01. LegislationItaly
Law 10/2013 “Norms for the development of urban green spaces”
04. TransformationSpain
Plan del Verde y de la Biodiversidad de Barcelona
01. LegislationSpain
Development conditions and procedures affecting green areas
04. TransformationLithuania
Initiative to reduce social exclusion to inaccessible or poorly adapted public environments
02. ProtectionCyprus
Waste Prevention Programme 2015/2021
03. AccessibilityCyprus
Second National Disability Action Plan
03. AccessibilityLithuania
Human rights instrument with an explicit, social development dimension
05. Environmental educationSpain
Plants for a future – PFAF
06. Added ValuePortugal
Project to promote urban agriculture in the public space in big cities
02. ProtectionSpain
Greenhouse gas emission control and the greenhouse effect
05. Environmental educationGreece
Kastoria Environmental Education Centre
05. Environmental educationSpain
Project Green Vigilantes
03. AccessibilityPortugal
Guidance for dimensioning of areas destined for green spaces and for collective use
02. ProtectionItaly
Law 394/1991 – Framework law for the preservation of environmental areas
01. LegislationGreece
Categories and content of land use
02. ProtectionLithuania
The rights and duties of all forest managers, owners and users
02. ProtectionCyprus
The Act of Nature Protection and Management and the Wildlife Act 2003.
05. Environmental educationSpain
App “Vías Verdes y Red Natura 2000”
05. Environmental educationItaly
05. Environmental educationSpain
Gardening Project
04. TransformationItaly
Zappata Romana
01. LegislationItaly
LD 133/2014 – “SbloccaItalia”
02. ProtectionGreece
Protection of the forests and forest areas of the country
05. Environmental educationItaly
Urbact participatory
01. LegislationSpain
Conservation of Natural Spaces and Wild Flora and Fauna
04. TransformationPortugal
Projects and initiatives related with horticultural green spaces
04. TransformationCyprus
Gardens of the future
05. Environmental educationItaly
02. ProtectionPortugal
Definitions of national park and reserve
02. ProtectionLithuania
General principles of working and implementing an agricultural and rural development
02. ProtectionLithuania
The protection, management, and establishment of greenery on non-forestry land
01. LegislationCyprus
Strategy on Biological Diversity (2020)
03. AccessibilityCyprus
Technical specifications for sidewalks, and squares & Legislation on Safety of Use and Accessibility of Construction Works
05. Environmental educationPortugal
Material related to environmental education and sustainable development
01. LegislationSpain
Conservation of Natural Heritage and Biodiversity
02. ProtectionSpain
Conservation of Natural Spaces and Wild Flora and Fauna
01. LegislationSpain
Improvements of urban areas of special character
03. AccessibilityGreece
Constitution of Greece – Article 21 paragraph 6
05. Environmental educationCyprus
Urban Gardens: Green corners in our city
06. Added ValueLithuania
The sensory garden design based on seven human senses
01. LegislationSpain
Law 30/2014, of 3 December, on National Parks
03. AccessibilityGreece
Determination of the conditions and the technical specifications for the construction and operation of playgrounds
02. ProtectionGreece
Modernization of the town and land-planning legislation and other provisions
02. ProtectionItaly
LD 42/2004 – Regulation on urban and landscape management
04. TransformationGreece
John S. Latsis – Public Benefit Foundation
03. AccessibilityCyprus
The law on Persons with disabilities
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